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Timber – Know Your Markets


9 September 2022

While the recent spate of storms has wreaked havoc for many landowners with woodland assets, Douglas Mathison, Owner and Managing Director of timber harvesting and forest management service Agriforest, argues that it should not be seen as a financial disaster.


He explained: 

“It has been a particularly busy year for us at Agriforest as we’ve been tied up with harvesting wind blow caused by the storms in late 2021/early 2022. A lot of our existing and new clients have the impression that wind blow is a financial disaster and they will have to pay to have it cleared from their land, but this simply isn’t the case. Yes, it can be slower to deal with, but the market has not been affected as badly as everyone thought and the demand for timber is still strong. The market for timber fluctuates like any other, and with this in mind, it’s important the crop you intend to harvest meets industry demand at the time in order to get the best price. You don’t go harvesting a top-quality stand of timber unless the price for top-quality timber is attractive – if the price isn’t right you wait until it is.”


Agriforest is now in its seventh year of business providing a comprehensive timber harvesting and forest management service to clients varying from individuals, local authorities, overseas investors, farms to large estates. The firm has invested heavily in new equipment to meet a growing demand over the past two years and runs its own fleet of machinery, giving the company complete control over the most valuable part of the process – harvesting timber. The company specialises in small to mediumsized woodland areas, ranging from one-hectare shelter belts through to large-scale plantations, and offers a cost-effective in-house service and practical approach, covering everything from complex long-term management plans through to timber harvesting and restocking. Douglas added:


“We find that it’s well worth getting a plan in place, which involves obtaining felling permissions early, so you can take advantage of market trends throughout the year or when the time is right – correct timing certainly pays off.”
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